Welcome to Saint Bede Youth and Young Adult Ministry!
In Matthew 5:13-14 it is said that "We are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth." We are meant to be people on fire with the passion and love of Christ.
In our day and age, it can universally be said that this call to be a witness has been lost by a sea of modern technology, politics and pop culture. No longer is it "cool to be Catholic." We live in a time where that fire of our faith has turned into a small flicker of light in our heart.
Here at St. Bede Youth Ministry (SBYM/SBLT for short), we aim to rekindle that flame and bring back that passion in the youth, (you guys), for our one true Church.
How do we plan to do this? Community, prayer and tons of fun. Throughout the year we will host several events for teens grades 9-12 and up past college (from ages 14 and up; no need to be in the Confirmation program to attend), as well as youth Mass twice a month, youth adoration, confession, retreats, Bible studies, picnics, movie nights, road trips, food and much, much more. Our weekly meetings will consist of learning more about our amazing faith and how we are able to keep it alive in our secular world as well as many games, movies, discussions and whatever else we have planned.
We meet on 2nd and 4th Saturdays 3-4:30pm every month for Lifenight with Youth Mass following right after and 3rd Wednesdays at 7:30-9pm for adoration. See you there!Catch us on these social network platforms: instagram: saintbedeyouth twitter: @saintbedeyouth tumblr: saintbedeyouthministry.tumblr.com