Our parish's liturgy,
The times we gather in union with the whole church to hear the word,
To give praise and thanks to God
For all that we have been given through Jesus Christ,
and to receive the gift of the Eucharist
is the source of our community's identity
and the life-blood of all our activities.
Vigil Mass
Saturday Mass 5:00 PM (English)
6:30 PM (Spanish)
Sunday Mass 7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM - Live-Streamed
12:30 PM (Spanish) - Live-Streamed
Weekdays: 8:00 AM
Saturday Morning 8:00 AM
Holidays 9:00 AM
Holy Day of Obligations: To be announced – Please see Calendar
First Friday of the Month 7:00 PM Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart