The first catechists in any child’s life are the family members with whom he or she lives. What happens at home – both positive and negative – provides lessons for life. In the family, faith is shared as part of the unfolding of daily life. The home or “domestic church” provides a real place in which a child learns to live his or her faith as well as understanding it.
Our goal is to create a program of lifelong faith formation that is centered in and flows out of the events of Church life. It embraces all ages and generation, promotes faith growth at home and promotes participation in Church life.
Religious Education: Applications are now open until September 11th (Limited Spaces). Go to the School office.Please bring your child’s Baptismal Certificate and the fee of $100.00 (additional brothers or sisters are $50 each), this is due when you fill out the application. My office hours are 11:00 am until 4:00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
There are two days to choose from for classes, Wednesdays at 4:15 pm until 5:30 pm or Saturdays at 9:15 am until 10:30 am. Wednesday classes will start September 4th, 2024, and Saturday classes will start September 7th, 2024.
For more information please contact Michael Verceles at 510-782-4292 or at [email protected]
CATECISMO : Estamos recibiendo ahora las inscripciones para la Primera Comunión (espacio limitado). Pase a la oficina de la parroquia. Favor de traer el Certificado de Bautizo de su hijo/hija y $100.00 para la inscripción (si va a inscribir más de un niño/niña, serán $50.00 extras por cada niño) El horario para las inscripciones es: MARTES, MIÉRCOLES Y JUEVES DE 9:30am a 12:00pm y de 2:00pm a 4:00 P.M. Para más información favor de llamar a Araceli Gonzalez al (510)782-2171.
For More Information Please Contact: The Rectory at (510) 782-2171